Take the Census over the Phone!

The Census Bureau’s Telephone Questionnaire Assistance Hotline is up and running and can be used to get counted. Households and individuals that have not received a census form or a house visit can use the hotline to phone in their information. For folks living in homes or apartments, it’s best to wait until after July 10th, when door-to-door follow up ends, before using the hotline.
IMPORTANT: The closer it gets to August 13th — the end date for ALL census counting operations — the harder it will be for the Census Bureau to add people to the count who phone in responses. This is because census workers are required to verify the phoned in address with a house visit. The house visit may not require a knock on the door, just a visual confirmation of the address.
Hotline numbers:
English: 1-866-872-6868
Chinese: 1-866-935-2010
Korean: 1-866-955-2010
Russian: 1-866-965-2010
Spanish: 1-866-928-2010
Vietnamese: 1-866-945-2010
TDD (Telephone Display Device for the hearing impaired): 1-866-783-2010
Puerto Rico (in English): 1-866-939-2010
Puerto Rico (in Spanish): 1-866-929-2010