Another Study Confirms Elevated Rates of Pancreatic Cancer Around the White Street Landfill

July 20, 2011
Chris Brook: (919) 323-3380 ext. 113
Kay Brandon: (336) 324-7207
Another Study Confirms Elevated Rates of Pancreatic Cancer Around the White Street Landfill
The North Carolina Division of Public Health has released the results of a study investigating the incidences of cancer in the areas surrounding White Street Landfill in Greensboro, NC, which found that, there appears to be an elevated rate of pancreatic cancers in the study area relative to typical rates observed in North Carolina.”
Although cancer has many causes, the report states that, “The increased number of pancreatic cancers in the study community cannot be attributed to differences in age, gender and race since the control population was selected for its demographic similarities to the reference population.”
Kay Brandon, a member of the Greensboro Citizens for Economic and Environmental Justice, is disappointed that the Greensboro City Council is trying to re-open the White Street Landfill before fully studying these instances of pancreatic cancer. “For those of us who have lived in the community long enough, there are enough anecdotal stories of cancer that it seems more than coincidental, especially when you look at the high numbers of people affected in each family,” she said.
The study maintains that the elevated cancer rates have not yet been linked to environmental exposure associated with White Street Landfill. In support of this the report notes a clean soil cap is now placed on the landfill each day to entrap toxic chemicals. However, the report fails to note this is a new procedure that did not occur for the first 50 years of the landfill’s existence, when many of the current residents were already living in the area. It also fails to note Phases I and II of the landfill are unlined.

Attached file/s:
DPH_White Street.pdf