Census Outreach Project



Census counts are directly tied to the federal dollars communities receive for important services, such as education funding, affordable housing support, job training, social services, roads, bridges, and other community development opportunities.

Census counts also directly impact a community’s political voice because the numbers inform voting districts and determine how communities are represented. That’s why it is important to make sure that everyone is counted!
History has taught us that many communities are undercounted, or are at higher risk of not being counted at all.
These communities include:

  • People and families that live in rental property
  • Transient communities, such as the homeless and migrant workers
  • Native Americans and poor, rural communities
  • Immigrants (census counts are for everyone, regardless of citizenship status)
  • The elderly and people who live in group housing

We are contacting organizations in Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Louisiana that are a trusted voice in their communities. In the 2000 census, these states had the highest rate of undercount in the South. We are hoping that you will work with us to help ensure that EVERYONE is counted in the 2010 census.

What you can do:

  1. Schedule 10 minutes to take an organizational phone survey with an SCSJ organizer.
  2. Sign up for our Census 2010 newsletter.
  3. Become an official Partner Organization with the US Census Bureau .
  4. Join or help form a local Complete Count Committee.
  5. This fall, attend one of our regional meetings for grassroots, policy, and service organizations to discuss strategies and tactics for reducing Census undercount in our communities (Advance RSVP page coming soon!).
  6. Apply for a Mini Grant from SCSJ to do community organizing and creative media outreach to ensure a full count in communities who are at risk of being undercounted (Application available soon!).

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